Middle East Crisis
First I would like to start off by sending my condolences to all innocent civilians needless killed in the crossfire. My position is similiar to Scott Brison and Joe Volpe . I fully support the right of Israel to defend itself therefore I support the use of limited military action against Lebanon provided all attacks are limited to Hezbollah targets only. However, I believe Harper should have said that Israel has the right to defend itself rather than saying it used a measured response, since it is possible the conflict could escalate beyond its current status in which the response would no longer be measured. Some have suggested we send a UN peacekeeping force in and call for a ceasefire, but I don't believe this is realistic. I support Canada working with the Lebanese government to root out Hezbollah, but I do not support negotiating with either Hezbollah and Hamas. Both groups are groups who advocate terrorism and both advocate the destruction of the state of Israel. While I believe in Canada playing a role as a mediator in general, there are certain principles we must stand squarely against including those who advocating wiping any nation of the map. I instead believe Canada should work with both moderate Israelis and moderate Arabs who want peace and a two-state solution. The fundamentalists from both groups are ones who we cannot reason with.
Now some may say I am being too pro-Israel in my bias, but I do not blindly support Israel. I support Israel withdrawing from occupied territories and dismantling its settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, I unequovically support the right of Israel to exist and this is something that I see as non-negotiotable. I should also note Israel allows Arabs to vote and even has some Arab members of government whereas most Arab countries grant Jews few rights and some don't even allow them to enter. Therefore, in my view Israel is anything but a racist state as some on the left accuse it of being.
Some may ask why I don't support the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. My reason is this is totally different than either of the two conflicts. I am not against the Americans attacking Afghanistan since they were attacked on 9/11, however I oppose Canadian participation since we were not attacked just as I don't think Canada should participate in Israel's attack on Hezbollah even if I support Israel's actions. In the case of Iraq, the war was totally unprovoked whereas Israel's attack on Hezbollah was in response to being attacked first, not a pre-emptive strike. Also Israel faces a much different situation than the United States. Israel is surrounded by hostile nations such as Syria and Iran who advocate its complete destruction and faces suicide bombings on a regular basis, whereas the United States has had no terrorist attacks since 9/11 and none of its neighbours advocate its destruction.
Finally I should say I am glad to hear that Jim Karygiannis is no longer Joe Volpe's campaign manager. Apparently, the two disagreed strongly on the Middle East Crisis. Karygiannis' departure is a good thing for us Liberals since he is a complete slimeball and is all about hijacking riding associations. Indeed he is responsible for delivering the large number of instant members for Volpe. With him gone, those members likely won't show up to the DSMs so hopefully whoever wins won't have to turn to Volpe for support, which before it looked like they would have.