Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I haven't had much time to look through every single detail, but based on what I have seen, I believe it goes in the right direction, but still has plenty of room for improvement. I am glad to see EI rules loosened, more money infrastructure, but I also feel that permanent tax cuts for the middle class should be held off until the economy starts to recover. We do need tax cuts in the long-run, but since most will simply save the money it does little good, so better to what until we enter the phase of recovery. Also the size of the deficit is quite worrisome. Bad policies in the past years when the economy was good was what led to where we were at. Voting against the budget would be foolish, but I don't think the Liberals should support it without at least some changes. My suggestion is offer an amendment to correct the deficiencies and should the Tories support the amendment, then vote for it. Another election or a coalition are less than ideal and should be avoided if possible and based on this budget I don't think either are necessary. At the same time voting for it without changes will give Harper the impression he can continue his old ways. He has already caved on many aspects and I think a reasoned amendment that improves the budget, but doesn't radically alter it would be the best solution. Based on the various leaks, which I find unreliable, this seems to be the direction the Liberals are heading, but lets wait and see. I am at least glad the party hasn't just come out against the budget like the NDP and Bloc Quebecois have, mind you the Liberals have formed government before and plan to again so they don't want to make unrealistic demands that they could never deliver on, whereas the NDP and Bloc Quebecois can make ridiculous demands as they know they won't ever form government.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My biggest concern is that "if" the government is going to throw money at the current economic crisis, is it enough? If not, it's just a waste that will produce little benefit and a bunch more debt.

I just don't see enough "forward thinking" in this budget to make it something I could support. As usual, Harper and the cons have no plan.

This budget is nothing more than Harper and company trying to buy vutes.

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conservative base is EXTREMELY angry right now. I think we very well may see a new Reform Party in the near future.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Monkey Loves to Fight said...

Anonymous #1 - The budget seemed a little too scattered, although it did have some good points. The main things is are these empty promises or will the government follow through. Likewise we live in a global market economy so governments can only have so much impact. In fact the stimulus bill from the Obama administration will probably have a far greater impact than any one from the Canadian government.

Anonymous #2 - I am not surprised they are angry, but what is exactly your solution. Had the conservatives brought forward a budget that pleased the base, the government would have fallen and there would have been a Liberal-NDP coalition supported by the Bloc Quebecois which would definitely not bring in a conservative budget. One thing the Conservative base needs to get through their head is a conservative budget is not possible under the present cirumstances period. The government brings in one, they will fall on it, so being angry at something that cannot be done seems silly. As for a new Reform Party, perhaps, but the demographics that supported that hard right ideology are getting smaller and smaller so its appeal would be far more limited. It was largely a party of older rural white males who as a demographic are shrinking. And never mind not all older rural white males are hard core right wing ideologues either, but beyond this group the Reform Party had almost zero appeal. The only reason the Republicans run on a more right wing platform is you do have a strong conservative base, primarily in the South, which is the region that is least culturally similiar to Canada. In fact the Northeast and West Coast which are the regions most like Canada are mostly made up of moderate Republicans not hardcore ideologues.

7:05 PM  

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