Thursday, August 28, 2008

Democratic Convention

With the Democratic Convention now wrapping up, I cannot be happier with how it turned out. With the Democrats and Republicans tied and the momentum being lost by the Democrats, they did everything right to turn things around and I wouldn't be surprised if we at least see a temporary bump in the polls, although a strong convention by the Republicans could erase this. First night, we had Ted Kennedy show his courage that despite his illness, he was willing to come out for probably his last election and make a strong one. Hilary Clinton gave a strong one and gave every reason for her supporters to rally behind Obama even those who were skeptical. As expected Bill Clinton gave a strong speech, but this was definitely an important one. Clinton is regarded by most as a successful president, especially considering how well the economy did under his administration. To date, many felt that he didn't fully support Obama and many pointed to his past statements of saying Obama was not ready to be president. I thought his line about pointing to how many said that about him in 1992 was a classic. This clearly put an end to the idea Clinton was not fully behind Obama. Biden's speech was also strong too and I am sure he will make a good Vice-President.

Tonight was the big one and Obama not only gave a strong speech as he usually does, he did everything he needed to. His speech was not just a fuzzy one about hope and change, he specifically laid out what he planned to do, reached out to all the different groups of Americans, and most importantly took on John McCain's policies as being wrong and out of touch with the present day reality without engaging in personal smears against him. The Democrats did everything right here and the main thing between now and November is to keep the momentum going and not let up, as we have seen to date, things can change quite quickly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting GOP VP choice in Sarah Palin. From what I could see, they were trying to go after both their conservative base and Hillary Clinton supporters that still refuse to go with Obama. IMO, it was the best possible choice for them - if they went with someone pro-choice like Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman, the base would stay home and Obama would win easily. At the same time, someone like Romney carries a lot of baggage and is seen as an elitist.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Monkey Loves to Fight said...

Anonymous - On the surface Sarah Palin was a good choice, but as I will explain in a post tomorrow, it does carry its risk. If it is just image, then it should benefit McCain, but if the Democrats are able to strike at her weaknesses, I could backfire. It is true that Tom Ridge and Joe Liebermann would anger a lot of the right wing base. The Republicans generally have to walk a tightrope between not being so moderate to anger their conservative base, but not so right wing they scare off all the moderates. McCain seems to have been the best choice for this as Guiliani would have probably been too moderate whereas Huckabee would be too conservative.

10:00 PM  

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