Wednesday, February 21, 2007

BC Budget

On the whole I think it was a very well rounded and balanced budget. It offered tax cuts to those making under $108,000 a year while at the same time made significant investments including into social housing. I was quite pleased with the efforts put into more social housing and helping the poor who unfortunately in many cases were left behind as BC had to graple with its terrible financial situation. Thankfully today we are no longer debating how much we need to raise taxes and how much we need to cut spending and how big the deficit will be. Gordon Campbell made some very difficult decisions, which I know many understandably opposed, yet he stuck to it and we are now seeing the benefits. While the Conservatives and Liberals debate federally over who is a leader or not, BC has one and that is Gordon Campbell.

I was also pleased with the PST cut towards buying hybrid cars. We need to use the tax system to encourage people and firms to adopt greener strategies. I was though disappointed there wasn't more money for tacking climate change, but I understand you cannot do everything at once and I do believe Campbell will keep his word and put this in the next budget.

Although I no longer live in BC, I still maintain contacts with many BC Liberal members and still continue to support the party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I geuss you don't know when we're projected to pay off all our debt

6:12 PM  
Blogger Monkey Loves to Fight said...

I suspect it will be a while before paying off all the debt. Besides even in the private sector, almost all companies have some debt. As long as the returns from the debt are greater than the initial investment, it is not bad debt. It is for projects that have no returns that debt is bad.

6:50 PM  

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