Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tory Attack Ads

I would like to express my disappointment with the decision of the Tories to release their attack ads even before an election was scheduled. I realize attack ads are a legitimate part of elections and if it was during an election period, I wouldn't complain, however 5 weeks of listening to attacks is annoying enough for many, listening to them for a few months is just too much. If you are interested in listening to party smears watch question period, but for those of us not interested, leave us alone until the election. I am glad to see Stephane Dion was quick to respond. Part of the reason the Tories won in 2006 but lost in 2004 is in 2006 they were prepared for the attack ads and responded accordingly whereas in 2004 they weren't. Hopefully we will be ready too. In addition the fact they are turning to attack ads already suggests they have little positive to offer Canadians. If they are doing such a good job, they would have no need to attack their opponents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the Liberals have responded with their own attack, and have helpfully taken the high road by reaching even further back in time and mixing up two issues (opposition to Kyoto as being a bad solution, and opposition to dealing with climate change for any reason). Good call. Good party.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Monkey Loves to Fight said...

I think the Liberal attacks were quite fair and I wouldn't call 2002 that far back. In addition Dion during question period gave Harper a chance to come forward and say he has changed his views, which he refused to do.

6:46 PM  

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