McCain chooses Sara Palin
Its look like McCain choose a complete dark horse that few of us thought or had even heard about. The choice was a gamble which could work out well, but also blow up in his face. On the surface it was definitely a good choice, but beneath it she has many weaknesses and a lot will depend on how good a job both the Democrats and media are at pointing that out. Her positives are she is a maverick like McCain, it is a woman so she could tap into some Hilary supporters who are reluctant to support Obama, comes across as your average everyday Joe, is a conservative so this will keep the Conservative base happy. Her weaknesses are she has very little experience especially on the foreign front. If the McCain people want to accuse Obama of lacking experience they should look at who they are placing just a heart beat away from the presidency. And with McCain's age, his VP pick is probably more of an issue than Obama since there is a much greater chance of him dying in office than Obama or his health deterioriating to the point he cannot continue the presidency. So while I expect the Republicans to close the lead the Democrats have opened up, whether this will be a good pick or not still remains to be seen.
She's not a "maverick". She's a hard-right Republican. The Alaska Republican party is moderate; that's why she's against them.
the alaska republican money who steals money and earmarks 300 million dollar bridges to nowhere?
Anonymous #1 - That may be true, but I suspect the average American knows little about Alaska politics. Besides her approval rating is very high in Alaska. In addition, the only hard-right opinions I can think of are she is pro-life and strong supporter of the 2nd amendment to keep and bear arms. This would be hard right here in Canada and definitely outside the mainstream, but in the United States these views are pretty mainstream. Hard right here is only slight right of centre in the United States.
Anonymous #2 - This could hurt her, but since she is such an unknown to most Americans, a lot will depend on how does a better job of defining her. The Republicans will define her in a positive light, while the Democrats in a negative light so it depends who does a better job.
Politics isn't just about reality, it is also perception and unfortunately in the US people seem to have a habit of going for politicians that are bad for them. Explain why George W. Bush was re-elected despite all his flaws. People in the US like a conservative everyday type politician, not a liberal elitist one even if a liberal elitist one would be better for them and their country.
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